Scientific and wildlife illustration

[email protected]


I am a biologist specialised in scientific illustration and wildlife art. I am based in Noasca, a mountain village in the Italian Alps. If you would like to contact me for commissions or other questions I will be happy to answer at: [email protected]

On Instagram: @lazaroillustration

On Behance: Javier Lazaro

A little bit about me

Along my career as biologist, I have learnt to observe nature from both scientific and artistic viewpoints.  As a scientist, I have acquired a strong background in anatomy, physiology and behaviour of the wildlife I represent in my drawings. The mix of these two passions - art and science - has turned in a beautiful and fruitful relationship. 

My illustrations cover a variety of topics, with special focus in zoology, anatomy, physiology, ecology, evolution and animal behaviour among others. Thanks to my experience in research, I have a natural understanding of the requirements for an accurate and engaging scientific illustration, and I am familiar with the terms and concepts in these fields. I have been involved in a broad variety of projects, from pure scientific publications to outreach and education.